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I. Match the words with the definitions. 1) auction a) used in homes or relating to homes

1) auction a) used in homes or relating to homes


2) property b) someone who buys goods and uses services


3) taxation c) objects produced for sale


4) sale d) more than is needed


5) goods e) buying and selling of property through open public



6) surplus f) something owned, a possession


7) consumer g) the process of selling goods and services for money


8) household h) the system that a government uses for collecting money

from people in the form of taxes




II. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

employees sales salary production product cash campaign packaging  


1. There are over 9 million teenagers in Вritain and they are the most powerful group of..........

2. Jane finds it difficult to survive on such a low..........

3. How do you pay for things you buy: in.........., by cheque or credit card?

4. If we don’t get another order soon, we’ll have to cut........and maybe close a factory.

5. One way to inform people about your........is to advertise it on TV.

6. And you get a special bonus if the company’s........ go up by more than 15 per cent in the year.

7. One recent advertising ……. lasted for over a year

8. The…….of a product is very important: the company has to think carefully about

how the product should look.


III. These are confused pairs of words. Choose the correct alternative for each sentence.


a) The government has promised to boost the flagging …….


b) Dillon studied …… at Manchester University.



a) The agreement was made........two employees of the business.

b) Most important........the country's problems is the lack of health facilities.


a) The cost will.......the final contract.

b) We know that the.......of the merger will create problems.


a) The car industry has faced massive.....losses.

b) Employees may take....... home if they wish.


IV. a) КОПР №3, 4.

B) Choose the correct option a-c to complete the sentences.

1. I..............to a trade fair until I went to the one in Las Vegas last month.

a) had never been b) never been c) have never been



2. I........ my money into real estate.

a) invested b) have invested c) invest


3. He........a manager when he was 25.

a) has become b) was becoming c) became


4. I........the approval of three committee members before Bob signed off on the


a) had already got b) did already get c) have already got


5. The vice-president usually.........objectives for the staff.

a) set b) sets c) has set


6. I.......working as a freelance consultant in 2004.

a) start b) started c) have started


7. We......... any final decisions yet.

a) didn't make b) haven't made c) have made


8. General Motors........the world's biggest car company for nearly 40 years.

a) was b) has been c) is





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