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• R ef er to page 5-7.




I nspect the thermostat pellet for signs of cracki ng.


Test the thermostat at the bench for control action, i n the followi ng ma n ner.

• Pass a string between fla nge, as shown i n the i ll ustration.

• I m merse the thermostat i n the water conta i ned i n a bea ker, as shown i n the i ll ustration. N ote that the i m mersed ther­ mostat is i n suspension. Heat the water by pl aci ng the beaker on a stove a nd observe the risi ng tem peratu re on a thermometer.

• R ead the thermometer just when the thermostat d rops to the bottom of the pan. Th is read i ng, wh ich is the tem pera­ tu re level at wh ich the thermostat va l ve begi ns to open, shou l d be a nywhere between 74.5° C (166.1° F) a nd 78.5° C (173.3° F).

Thermostat valve opening tem peratu re: 74.5 -78.5°C

(166.1 - 173.3° F)



CD Thermostat



® String





• Keep on heati ng the water to raise i ts tem peratu re to a nd beyond 90° C (194° F).

• J ust when the water reaches 90° C (194° F), the thermostat valve shou l d have l if ted by at l east 7.0 m m (0.28 i n).

Thermostat valve l if t: Over 7.0 m m at 90°C

(Over 0.28 i n at 194° F)


A thermostat fai l i ng to satisf y either of the two req u i re­ men ts (sta rt-to-open tem peratu re and va l ve l if t) m ust be replaced.



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