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Complete the information in the form in order to book rooms for you and your friend. Think of the most suitable dates.

Room Reservation Request
Please reserve (insert numbers of rooms)
Twin bedded Double bedded
From night of ________________________________________
To morning of _______________________________________
With breakfast _______________________________________
Without breakfast ____________________________________
Name ______________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Telephone No. ______________________________________
Approximate time of arrival ____________________________

Match the responses to the prompts.

1) Good morning. a) I’m afraid not. It’s the cheapest.
2) I’d like to book a single room with a shower, toilet and continental breakfast. b) Let me see. Yes, there are some rooms.
3) Can I have a room with a bath? c) Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
4) How much does this room cost? d) You may try the Northern Star Hotel. It’s near the station in Davies Street.
5) Are there cheaper rooms? e) I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid we have no rooms with a shower available at the moment
6) Is there a cheaper hotel somewhere near here? f) 20 pounds a night.

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