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Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one of them. - Hello! I read an advertisement about job openings in your company, and I’d like to make an appointment with the personnel manager.

Dialogue 1

- Hello! I read an advertisement about job openings in your company, and I’d like to make an appointment with the personnel manager.

- What position do you want to apply for?

- Manager. Financial department.

- I am very sorry, but the vacancy is filled. I wish you had telephoned the day before yesterday!

- I would have telephoned if I had been in the country. But I arrived only today.

- Where did you read the ad?

- In the “Spectator”, the “Want” page.

- You know, we still need an accountant. I suggest that you try your hand in accounting. If you do well, there might be a promotion to the top position.

- Let me see. OK. When I see the personnel manager?

- Your name please.

- Sarah Guerra.

- Miss or Mrs.?

- Miss.

- You are not a resident, are you?

- No. But I’ve got a work permit for three years.

- I see. OK, Miss Guerra. You are to come on Wednesday, the third, at 10.30, office 1023. The personnel manager will speak with you.

- What documents must I take with me for an interview?

- A resume, any certificates that you have to verify your education, qualification background and work experience.

- I can also submit three letters of recommendation from the places where I used o work.

- OK. They might be useful.

- Should I fill out a job application form?

- You’ll make it later, after you have spoken with the personnel manager.

- Thanks, goodbye!


Dialogue 2

- Very well, Miss Guerra. So, you’re saying you worked with “The Simpsons Brothers” for three years and you also worked with “Motorola”. For how long?

- Well, actually, I worked with “Motorola” part-time, and I had a full-time job at “The Simpsons”.

- I see. It’s all in the letters of recommendation. OK. What else would you like to know about this job? The salary?

- Yes, and, of course, the vacation.

- Well, we can offer you the annual salary of $28, 000.

- Is it net salary?

- No, it’s a gross pay. Not too much, I should say, but if you demonstrate excellent performance and skills you can ask for a pay-rise.

- In addition, there are different benefits and premiums.

- That’s interesting.

- And you’ve got a paid vacation.

- By the way, how about the sick leave? I do not mean that I am going…

- Oh, no. I understand. Of course, all our full-time employees have paid sick leaves. And the company also pays for our insurance policies.

- That sounds great!


Dialogue 3

- Margaret?

- Yes. Hello.

- Good afternoon. My name’s Michael Morin. Sorry to keep you waiting.

- That’s all right. I have enjoyed your company brochure. It looks very impressive. It’s nice to meet you at last.

- Thanks. Have you traveled far to us today?

- Quite far. I’m staying in London, so I came on the train this morning.


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