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Home assignments. I. Запомните чтение следующих слов

I. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Найдите их перевод ниже:

• diphtheria [dif'Giarre], prostration [pres'treifan], tonsil ['troisl], larynx

['laenrjks], toxemia [rok'srmra], delirium [di'lmam], disintegrate [dis'mtigrert]

отравление крови (заражение крови); прострация, изнеможение; бред;

бредовое состояние; распадаться; дифтерия; миндалевидная железа; гортань

II. Выучите следующие слова:

backache f'baekeik] и боль в спине

smear ['smia] n мазок

culture ['клк/э] п посев; выращивание бактерий

extreme [ik'stri: m] а крайний; чрезвычайный

convalescence [^krmva'lesns] n выздоровление

fatal ['feitl] а летальный, смертельный

outcome ['аШклт] п исход

III. 1. Прочитайте текст С. 2. Найдите и переведите предложения, содержащие а) сослагательное наклонение; б) сложное дополнение; в) сложное подлежащее; г) самостоятельный причастный оборот. 3. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

температура была непостоянной, пульс был неправильный, незначи­тельно увеличенное количество, мазок был взят на посев, налеты на минда­линах, очищение горла

4. Перескажите текст от лица врача:

Text С. Diphtheria

The patient was a seven-year-old girl.-Her fever was irregular and consider­ably elevated. The general symptoms, such as headache and backache were not severe, but her pulse was weak and irregular. The urinalysis revealed protein to be present in a slightly increased amount.

The patient's throat being examined, the physician noticed it be coated with a membrane. To make an adequate diagnosis the smear was taken for culture which revealed diphtheria bacilli. If diphtheria bacilli had not been revealed in the smear the doctor might have doubted the diagnosis.

The disease having progressed, prostration became marked. The membranes which had been seen at first on the tonsils were spreading to the pharynx and larynx.

The patient received an adequate treatment with diphtheria antitoxin which contributed to the clearing up of the throat. Had the antitoxin treatment not been employed so soon toxemia would have been intense and delirium and prostra­tion extreme or heart failure, respiratory paralysis or bronco-pneumonia might have developed.

After four or five days the membrane which had been extending over the tonsils, pharynx, and larynx began to loosen (зд. разрыхляться) and disinte­grate. In 10 days convalescence was noted to have advanced favourably and the danger of a fatal outcome was considered to have been completely eliminated.

IV.* Выберите предложения в сослагательном наклонении:

1. The bacteriologist was sure that the blood smear would reveal cocci. 2. If it were a severe form of diphtheria it would be characterized by general prostration, cardiac depression and even anaemia. 3. The physician did not doubt that the smear culture would reveal diphtheria bacilli. 4. Had the temperature been accompanied by vomiting, headache and chills the diagnosis of diphtheria would have been possible. 5. Subcutaneous injections of antibiotics should be given regularly lest the disease progressed.

V. Переведите следующие предложения, употребляя сослагатель­ное наклонение (письменно):

1. На вашем месте я назначил бы больному повторный анализ. 2. Врач настаивал, чтобы больной наблюдался по поводу отдаленных результатов в течение года. 3. У больного были такие желтые склеры, как будто бы он болел желтухой.

VI. Напишите историю болезни, используя ключевые слова:

to be admitted to the hospital, to complain of, on physical examination, symptoms, to reveal, laboratory findings, antitoxin treatment, the course of the disease, convalescence

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