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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Class assignments. VIII. A) supply words and word combinations having close meaning to the following:


VIII. a) Supply words and word combinations having close meaning to the following:

preventive, to rise, about five months, to radiate to, to involve, acute, to result in, to determine, lesion, entire

b) Supply words of the opposite meaning:

to elevate, to recover, to diminish, approximately, dry, empty, sharp, base, to doubt the diagnosis


IX. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense of the Indefinite group. Translate the sentences:

1. Products of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion (to be absorbed) from the gastrointestinal tract by the liver in which they (to undergo) furthur chemical processes. 2. The liver (to destroy) toxic substances which usually (to be formed) in the intestinal tract as well as some poisons which (to enter) the body from without. 3. Jaundice (to be known) to be the disease which (to be due to) the presence of a large amount of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.


X. Choose the proper form of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences:

1. The patient was known... stool retention accompanied by nausea a month before his present admission to the hospital, (a) to have; b) to have had; c) to be having) 2. Sensitivity to antibiotics was reported... not only in this patient but in all the other members of the family as well since their early age. (a) to be present; b) to have been present) 3. Prophylactic vaccination w; as found... since no cases of hepatitis were diagnosed after its administration, (a) to be effective; b) to have been effective) 4. Skin irritation was revealed... after each parenteral ad­ministration of this preparation, (a) to occur; b) to have occurred; c) to be occur­ring)

XI. Make up sentences of your own using each of the given words first as a subject, and then as an attribute:

heart, blood, lymph, serum, nerve

XII. 1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. Say why probing with radio-pill is used:



It is common knowledge how difficult it is to examine the gastrointestinal tract. Long rubber tubes are used and the process of probing is known to cause the patient much discomfort. It gives only limited possibilities for the examina­tion of the stomach and none at all for the intestine. Usual physiological meth­ods are often ineffective for studying many important processes in the human intestine.

But a small electronic instrument called a radio-pill (радиокапсула) helps the physician in this matter. It is a small tube less than two cm long and only some millimetres in diameter. A very small transistor - transmitter is inside the tube.

The patient swallows this radio-pill which passes along the gastrointestinal tract sending information on pressure, temperature, gastric secretion, the lever of acidity, etc., thus helping the physician to reveal all the pathologic changes.

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