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Class assignments. 1. The adjectives using the suffixes -ful:help, pain, use, rest, beauty -ish:fever, white, fat, dry

X. Form and translate:

1. the adjectives using the suffixes -ful: help, pain, use, rest, beauty -ish: fever, white, fat, dry

2. the nouns using the suffix-th: wide, grow, long, warm, deep, true, strong

XI. Translate into Russian paying attention to the use of the verbs 'to be', 'to have', 'should':


1. Hypertension is a dangerous disease. 2. Hypertension is treated with special antihypertensive drugs. 3. We see that in this patient the symptoms of hypertension are disappearing slowly. 4. A patient with hypertension is usually in the clinic. 5. A patient with hypertension is to follow a definite course of treatment. 6. The patient has a deep wound in his leg. 7. The surgeon has just examined a deep wound in the patient's leg. 8. The surgeon has to examine the patient with a deep wound in his leg. 9. You should report me on any changes in the patient's condition. 10. One should remember that white blood cell count increases (nearly) almost in all diseases.

XII. Give the English equivalents of the words in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (должен) know its origin. 2. The redness on the lateral surface of the arm (может) disappear after the treatment. 3. To determine the origin of the tobacco mosaic disease Ivanovsky (должен был) carry out many experiments on the plants. 4. The doctor (следует) know all the properties of a drug before he gives it to the patient. 5. At the next conference one of the researchers of this laboratory (нужно будет) report on his discovery in detail. 6. The medical students (будет разрешено) operate on the patients only in the fifth year. 7. It is only in the presence of oxygen that aerobic microorganisms (могут) multiply rapidly.

XIII. Choose the proper word from those given in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian:


• 1. (Somebody, something) has estimated that normally you breathe 25, 920 times a day breathing in about 450 cubic feet of air. 2. Lately a new group of viruses called adenoviruses have been isolated from the human intestine and respiratory tract in tissue cultures. It has been determined that their presence


IX. Translate the following sentences with gerundial constructions:


1. Mother expected my being examined by this neurologist. 2. Mme Curie's having discovered radium enabled her to isolate other radioactive elements. 3. In spite of not having any university education Faraday made his great dis­coveries. 4.1 heard of his being sent to the Congress of Physiologists in Mos-



X. Read and translate the medical terms:

aetiology [, i: ti'Dlacfei], pathogenesis [, ргевю'с& епш& ], mechanism ['mekanizm], visual ['vizjml], palpation [p3el'peif(9)n], percussion [рз: 'кл|п], auscultation [piskal'teifn], cystoscopy [sis'toskapi], edema [i'di: ma], haemorrhage ['hemaricfe], objective [ab'cfeektiv], subjective [sAb'cfcektiv]

XI. 1. Read Text E using a dictionary. 2. Memorize the words in bold type. 3. Be ready to answer the questions on the text:

Text £. Examination of the Patient


Before treating the patient it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the disease and to determine its aetiology, i.e. the causes of the disease. The doctor must know well the pathogenesis of any disease, i.e. the way and mechanism of its development, as well as the symptoms by which it can be revealed.

A number of different procedures is used to establish a diagnosis: history-taking, physical examination, which includes visual examination, palpation, per­cussion, auscultation, laboratory studies, consisting of urinalysis, blood, spu­tum and other analyses; instrumental studies, for example, taking electrocar­diograms or cystoscopy, X-ray examination and others.

For determining a disease it is very important to know its symptoms such as breathlessness, edema, cough, vomiting, fever, haemorrhage, headache and oth­ers. Some of these symptoms are objective, for example, haemorrhage or vom­iting, because they are determined by objective study, while others, such as headache or dizziness (головокружение) are subjective, since they are evident only to the patient.

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