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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Grammar. 21. John his homework when his friend phoned him.

21. John... his homework when his friend phoned him.

a) was doing b) were doing c) has been doing d) is doing e) are doing

22....you … where Gina is? I need to speak to her.

a) Have, known b) Had, known c) Did, know d) Do, know e) Will, know

23. Don’t talk to me now. I … an important letter.

a) write b) am writing c) was writing d) have written e) writing

24. When … they set up their company? – In 1998.

a) do b) will c) did d) would e) are

25. The child went to bed early because he … all day.

a) plays b) is playing c) will playg d) was playing e) has played

26. They... cars here for 10 years.

a) is producing b) has produced c) is producing d) have been producing e) producing

27. By the time you get to the cinema, the film … started.

a) shall have b) will have c) will be d) will e) should have

28. When I left the office, the building was empty. Everyone … home.

a) went b) has gone c) had gone d) were going e) have gone

29. In December we … testing the new machinery.

a) would b) will be c) will have d) will e) have been

30. The talk … finished by 11a.m.

a) will b) will have c) will d) was e) have been

31. We’ve chosen a name for the new biscuit. – Really? How... you... to call it?

a) were, going b) did, go c) will, go d) are, going e) is, going

32. When you get to the cinema, I think the film … start.

a) shall have b) will c) will be d) shall e) should have

33. I’m sure you … the CD.

a) has liked b) likes c) will like d) shall like e) would like

34. Many of the world’s diamonds … in South Africa.

a) is mined b) has mined c) are mined d) been mined e) being mined

35. I wasn’t interested in … he was speaking about.

a) which b) where c) whom d) whose e) what

36. If it … tomorrow, we … go out.

a) rain, will b) rain, shall c) rained, won’t d) rains, won’t e) rain, won’t

37. We’re having … period we have ever had.

a) difficult b) more difficult c) most difficult d) the difficult e) the most difficult

38. Did … ring when I was out?

a) anyone b) somebody c) anywhere d) someone e) something

39. I... speak German fluently.

a) am b) need c) has to d) can e) might

40. You … shout. I can hear you very well.

a) ought to b) may c) can’t d) don’t have to e) need to

41. You … park here – it’s not allowed.

a) may not b) should c) don’t have to d) mustn’t e) needn’t

42. This information is highly confidential, so you... discuss it with anyone.

a) must b) should c) have to d) mustn’t e) need to

43. “I saw him yesterday here, ” she said.

a) She said she saw him yesterday here. d) She said I saw him the day before here.

b) She said she have seen him yesterday there. e) She said she had seen him the day before there.

c) She said she saw him the day before there.

44. “Does the bank have a branch in Geneva? ” I said.

a) I asked does the bank have a branch in Geneva. d) I asked the bank has a branch in Geneva.

b) I asked if the bank has a branch in Geneva. e) I asked the bank has a branch in Geneva?

c) I asked if the bank had a branch in Geneva.

45. “Don’t pay the invoice! ” he said.

a) He said don’t pay the invoice. d) He asked us don’t pay the invoice.

b) He said not to pay the invoice. e) He told us not to pay the invoice.

c) He says don’t pay the invoice!

46. Would you like to come in?... chairman will see you now.

a) The b) - c) An d) A e) a

47. … book will give you... information you need.

a) The, a b) -, the c) A, the d) The, an e) The, -

48. Eviran Haub is … fourth wealthiest person in … world.

a) the, a b) -, the c) the, the d) the, - e) an, the

49. We’ve worried … your future.

a) for b) to c) on d) about e) after

50. It was difficult to deal … those problems.

a) for b) of c) with d) at e) on



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