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From Multiple tо Simple

Multiple sentences can be converted to Simple sentences by the methods shown below:

(a) By substituting a Participle for a Finite verb:

Double. The sun rose, and the fog dispersed.

Simple. The sun having risen, the fog dispersed.


(b) By substituting a Preposition, etc., for a clause:

Double. Не not only made a promise, but kept it.

Simple. Besides making a promise, he kept it.

(c) By substituting a Gerundial or Qualifying Infinitive for a clause:


Double He must confess his fault or he will be


Simple. He must confess his fault to escape being



Ex.8. Convert from Multiple to Simple:

1. An ass accidentally found a lion’s skin, and put it on to frighten the other beasts.

2. He was fatigued with walking, and so he sat down to take a little rest.

3. Turn to the left and you will find the house of your friend.

4. Not only the tank, but even a part of the river was frozen over with ice.

5. The Judge, as well as the jury, believed the prisoner to be guilty.

6. You must work hard the whole term, and then you will get promotion.

7. He was the son of poor parents, and therefore he had to encounter many trials and difficulties at the outset of his career.

8. He was a poor man, and yet he was of an independent spirit at all times.

9. I advised him to make the best use of his time, but he paid no heed.

10. He was much frightened, but not much hurt.

11. Every effort was made to check the spread of cholera; yet a large number of persons died.

12. He was well fitted for that post by character and attainments; only he was rather too young and inexperienced.

13. He did his best to be punctual, but still he was occasionally behind time.

14. He is well versed in books, but wanting in common sense.

15. You must work hard, or you will not get promotion.

16. Give us some clear proofs of your assertion, otherwise no one will believe you.

17. A certain fowler fixed his net on the ground, and scattered a great many grains of rice about it.

18. The pigeons flew down to pick up the rice grains; for they were all hungry.

19. The old man frequently begged his sons to live together in peace, but he was disregarded.

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