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Прочитайте и Переведите текст устно. Some kinds of advertising


The cinema screen is used for advertising by local and national traders. It is difficult to charge how effective cinema advertising is.

Technical journals are mostly used as an advertising medium by large manufacturing and distributing companies. They are read by persons and companies who are interested in this particular kind of product, and the journals also contain other information that is useful to the readers. Technical journals are usually printed once a month. Examples are “The Hairdresser”, “The Radio and Television Magazine” and “the Farmers Live Stock Journal”. Advertising in technical journals is a very good method of advertising.

The Motor Show, the Boat Show, the Radio Show and the Ideal Homes Exhibition are a few examples of fairs and shows. Dairy products may be advertised at agricultural shows. Aircraft may be advertised and displayed at the Farnborough Air Show. The disadvantage is that the shows and exhibitions are expensive to organize.

It is very difficult for advertisers to tell whether a particular advertisement of method of advertising has been effective, but there is no doubt that without advertising the customer would never hear of some products. Perhaps the most effective advertising of all is the recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential customer – advertising by word of mouth.


dairy молочный;

by word of mouth устно


1 Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода инфинитивного оборота Complex Object.

1. I know advertising to play a very important part in commerce.

2. They made me accompany them.

3. They know him to have bought some magazines.

4. We expect him to come and help us.

5. We saw him take part in the Motor Show.

6. They don’t see this advertisement be effective.

7. Companies know the magazines to contain information that is useful to the readers.


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы перевода инфинитивных оборотов.

1. That agency was the first to use new advertising media.

2. I expected him to understand our problem and help us to solve it.

3. The language of the article turned out to be quite easy.

4. She is not likely to change her opinion.

5. He heard them talk about fairs and exhibitions.

6. The advertiser expected him to be a potential customer.

7. Commodities of this firm are known to be the best at the market.

8. This type of goods is said to have some advantages.


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