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Exercise 9.

1).Write a private business letter to your foreign partner using the additional phrases. In your letter:

· introduce yourself;

· say 'thank you' to your partner for the information he has given you in the previous letter;

· assure your partner that you are ready for long cooperation with his firm.

2). Write a formal business letter and identify its type. Consult the Appendix for sample business letters.

Additional phrases

Opening Phrases

Dear Sirs,...

We greatly appreciate

We thank you for

Many thanks for

Please accept our thanks for

Your letter

stating that...

asking us to do...

requesting us to do.

has been considered (given proper attention)


In reply / response to your letter of...

We learn from your letter that...

We apologize for / Accept our apology for...

We regret (we are sorry) to learn from your letter of... that...


We have to point out that...

to remind you that...

pleasure of informing you that.

Binding phrases

We are sure (confident) that...

We would like to remind you that...

We find/consider it necessary (important, reasonable) to note…

Further to the above...

In addition to the above...

We would welcome the opportunity...

It is self-understood...

It goes without saying...

In this connection...


In connection with your request...

with the above said..


The matter/point is...

In / Under the circumstances...

In case of your refusal........failure to make payment(s)...



First of all...

In fact (actually)...


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